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you looking for cheap Lufkin 066F 6-Flat Read Wood Folding Rule?

Buy Lufkin 066F 6-Flat Read Wood Folding Rule Sale

before decision to buy, I searches on internet so long time. So I gathered a online shop that sells Lufkin 066F 6-Flat Read Wood Folding Rule and compare prices to. Some online stores offers me fast shipping.

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Lufkin 066F 6-Flat Read Wood Folding Rule Features

  • 066F has inside markings; numbering begins on inside of rule so the measurement lies close to the work.
  • Marked on both sides and both edges, graduated to 1/16ths both edges.
  • 16" stud centers marked in red.
  • Clear abrasive-resistant coating protects markings.

Lufkin 066F 6-Flat Read Wood Folding Rule Overview

Sections 5/8'' wide. 6'' folds. White finish. Marked both edges, both sides. Markings embedded into wood. 16'' centers marked in red. Blade and markings protected by longer wearing epoxy finish. Solid brass joints, strike plates, and end caps. 6' long. [else][endif] [if
  • 066F has inside markings; numbering begins on inside of rule so the measurement lies close to the work.
  • Marked on both sides and both edges, graduated to 1/16ths both edges.
  • 16" stud centers marked in red.
  • Clear abrasive-resistant coating protects markings.

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