
postheadericon Aluminum T-Square - 18"

you looking for low price Aluminum T-Square - 18"?

Buy Aluminum T-Square - 18" Web Store

before decision to buy, I searches on internet so long time. So I gathered a web store that sells Aluminum T-Square - 18" and compare prices to. Some shops offers me fast shipping.

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Aluminum T-Square - 18" Specification

  • Aluminum T-square with high-impact plastic head
  • Crafted from the highest quality materials
  • 1.5 inch wide ruler measures to 16ths on the blade, and in 8ths on the head
  • Smooth, clean edges and acurate easy-to-read measurements

Aluminum T-Square - 18" Overview

Perfect for mat cutting and general art work. Standard gauge aluminum with a 1½" shaft. Calibrated in 8ths and 16ths on the blade and in 8ths on the head. T-square head is made from polycarbonate plastic for the greatest durability. 18" [else][endif] [if
  • Aluminum T-square with high-impact plastic head
  • Crafted from the highest quality materials
  • 1.5 inch wide ruler measures to 16ths on the blade, and in 8ths on the head
  • Smooth, clean edges and acurate easy-to-read measurements

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