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Swanson TD124 Wallboard Square Features

  • Body width is standard outlet size for easy marking
  • Thermally fused yellow powder paint finish
  • Premanently impressed black gradations
  • Five rivets and two steel roll pins accurately secure head and body

Swanson TD124 Wallboard Square Overview

High grade aluminum alloy construction makes for a durable foundation, while 5 steel rivets and 2 steel roll pins accurately secure the 1/4'' thick, heavy duty head to the body. The heavy duty head also offers a 1/2'' working surface for added stability and ease of use on all material. The 47 7/8'' body was designed to allow the square to hang freely on 48'' material. The thermally fused yellow powder paint finish has been applied for increased visibility. Increased visibility translates to personal safety when using this square as a cutting guide. [else][endif] [if

  • Body width is standard outlet size for easy marking
  • Thermally fused yellow powder paint finish
  • Premanently impressed black gradations
  • Five rivets and two steel roll pins accurately secure head and body

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